Wednesday 29 April 2015

Hari Penetapan ETR (PT3 & SPM)

Tarikh : 26/4/2015
Masa  : Slot SPM (8.00-10.00)
            Slot PT3 (10.30-12.00)

Dirasmikan oleh YDP PIBG, Encik Umar bin Ibrahim.

Bacaan ikrar pelajar diketuai Mohd Asyraf bin Roslee pelajar dari kelas 5 Berlian.

Barisan pentadbir dan guru-guru di SMKIE mendoakan pelajar-pelajar memperoleh kejayaan dalam peperiksaan PT3 dan SPM 2015. Teruskan usaha! 

1 comment:

  1. Your school achievements is zero if it comes without morals. This school only handles and cares within its fence but forgo disturbance to nearby residential area.

    Do the school cares about students smoking at backyard of residential houses, students joining bad hats visibly seen outside the school fence, students Riding their bikes with loud exhaust noise & drumming within the school that can be heard 300m away. In short, this school are generating a generation of insensitive people. In other word, a public nuisane.
